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Stay informed and raise public awareness about the situation in Burma and how to support women survivors and the movement to overthrow the military and build justice and federal democracy in Myanmar.


Call on your government, ASEAN and/or the international community to take action to support women survivors, end the military dictatorship and build federal democracy in Myanmar. Key priorities include:

  • Pressing the military regime to end their atrocities and enable the transfer of power to a democratically elected government under a new federal constitution.
  • Providing cross-border humanitarian aid to IDPs and others in conflict areas through trusted local humanitarian and community-based organizations, including ethnic resistance organizations (EROs)
  • Imposing a global arms embargo on Myanmar
  • United Nations/international missions to monitor and intervene to end sexual violence, killings, torture and other human rights violations against women and civilians
  • Refer the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court
  • Do not buy products produced by the military junta or by companies that pay money to the junta.

About the Organizers

AJAR is a regional human rights non-profit organization with its headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia. Its aim is to contribute to the strengthening of human rights and the alleviation of entrenched impunity in the Asia-Pacific region. Its work focuses on countries involved in transitions from a context of mass violations to democracy, where it strives to build cultures based on accountability, justice, and a willingness to learn from the root causes of mass human rights violations to help prevent their recurrence. www.asia-ajar.org.

Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) KWAT is a non-profit organization which works to eliminate discrimination and violence against women, enhance the living standards of women and enable them to participate in decision-making processes at all levels, and strengthen the quest for social justice, peace, and development in Kachin areas. www.kachinwomen.com

About the Organizers

Karen Women’s Organization

Established in 1949, KWO is an ethnic women’s community-based organization that currently has over 70,000 members. It works for a federal Burma where all communities have gender equality, the protection and promotion of indigenous people’s rights, human rights, and justice. It provides community organizing, information-sharing, education, health and social welfare support to thousands of women and civilians living in Karen areas in Burma, and in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border. www.karenwomen.org

Ta’ang Women’s Organization (TWO)

TWO advocates for and advances the status of women while working towards a federal democratic society where there is peace, justice and gender equality. It was established in 2000 in response to discrimination against women observed in Ta’ang communities. TWO supports Ta’ang women to become more confident, take on leadership roles, and participate in decision-making in all sectors. TWO also conducts human rights documentation and training, and raises public awareness about violations, and the history and culture of the Ta’ang people. www.taangwomen.org