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Reading The Body Map
Reading The Body Map

Reading The Body Map


A body map is a life-size depiction of a survivor’s truth. Her story is told on, through and around her body. In the creation of her body map, the artist/survivor participates in a process of deep reflection and sharing that seeks to facilitate healing and encourage empowerment. In the display of her body map, the world sees the survivor’s truth and bears witness to her strength and resilience.


In the upper left-hand corner of the Body Map is the artist/survivor’s name and birthdate.


In the center is a life-size tracing of her body with the survivor’s physical, emotional, and psychological injuries, ailments, and conditions depicted on her body.

Hopes and Dreams

Behind the survivor’s body is a life-size tracing of another body – a shadow intended to represent all those who have supported the survivor in her life (and a reminder to us all that, even in our most difficult moments, we are never truly alone). Some artists/survivors have added names of people and organisations that have supported them in the shadow.

Different Chapters of The Survivor’s Life

Around the survivor’s body are images depicting the different chapters of the survivor’s life. They are best read in a counterclockwise order – beginning with the survivor’s childhood in the upper left-hand corner, moving onto her adolescent years, early adult life, and present before concluding, in the upper right-hand corner, with the survivor’s hopes for herself, her community, and/or her country.